The Utah Office of Inspector General of Medicaid Services (UOIG), as part of its oversight mission, conducts routine and random onsite visits of Utah Medicaid providers to ensure program compliance and to build partnerships among the provider community. These onsite visits may occur as the result of a providers initial applications to participate in the Medicaid program, during the providers re-validation/re-enrollment process, as part of random monitoring, or as part of UOIG’s annual planning focusing on specific provider communities. Onsite visits may also be requested as part of other oversight activities.
Onsite visits are an important part of the UOIG mission in protecting taxpayer assets and resources. Some of the activity that takes place during these onsite visits may include discussions about office processes and procedures, reviewing of documents and materials, inspection of physical spaces, and the interviewing of management and employees. Any findings identified during the onsite visit will be discussed with the provider to include areas that may help resolve suspect deficiencies.
The UOIG will make every effort to coordinate a convenient time that is most suitable for the providers. The office shall also attempt to minimize interference with patient care and normal operations. Representatives from the UOIG may include Investigators from the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) and/or the Program Integrity Unit (PI), and the Policy and Training Coordinator to help provide onsite training and guidance on policy compliance. The UOIG shall notify providers in writing seven (7) calendar days before the inspection.
One method that may help a provider maintain compliance is Provider Training. UOIG recommends that all Medicaid providers participate in the annual Provider Training series presented and hosted by Utah Medicaid. For questions about Utah Medicaid training opportunities, please contact the Medicaid training representatives at: [email protected].
Additionally, UOIG is willing to host provider training tailored to specific issues or concerns including, but not limited to the UOIG statute, the office’s mission, Medicaid policies, and providers’ responsibilities and rights under the UOIG Administrative Rules. If you are a Utah Medicaid provider and would like to receive specific provider training, please contact the UOIG’s Training Coordinator at [email protected].
For more information about Onsite Inspections from the UOIG, please contact our office at (801) 538-6087.